Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries

ACL injuries can happen in active and athletic kids when excessive pressure is put on the knee joint, resulting in a torn ligament.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries


According to a medical survey, it was found out that most of the people face any kind of knee problem due to their affected ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) which is one of the major ligaments in your knee. ACL is a kind of combination of tissue which keeps the bones together within your knee. In case you are having a stable knee from very long then ACL plays a very important role in it. One of the most common reasons for getting affected with ACL injuries when you damage your ACL due to make any sudden or quick movement and turn when you’re running or jumping or doing any physical activity. Yes, more likely it is painful and even you may have a problem in normal walking as well because it put pressure on ACL injury.

In many cases, people may hear the crackling pop sound in the knees in the case of ACL injury occurs. In case of intense injury, your knee may swell; you may feel unstable while standing and become too painful to weigh any weight. There are many other symptoms as well but they may occur according to the intensity of the injury. Also, depending on the severity of your ACL injury, the doc may suggest the treatment which includes from “rest and rehabilitation exercises to cure your knee’s strength and stability” to surgery in which doc will replace the injured ligament followed by rehabilitation.

So, guys, here in this article we are going to the disclaimer about everything we have mentioned above. With some important note, we are going to compile each and every detail about ACL injury that occurs. Below in this article, we are going to follow the symptoms along with how you can treat your ACL injury with home remedies or surgery if you can suffering from it. We are also going to mention what type of symptoms you may face which depend upon the severity of your knee injury. So, here we start with: -

How it occurs?

How it occurs

If you find the most common people who get injured with ACL then the result will go with people who use to indulge in the sports activity. In the case of athletes due to their quick and sharp movement, the chances of ACL injuries get high especially when they stop and quickly take a turn while running. People who play sports like soccer, football, tennis, basketball or volleyball where men have to twist or turn or run quickly the chances of getting ACL injury gets an increase. People, who do gymnastics also often to flick their knees by fluke when they compete or while practicing. Sprint runner also has higher chances to get ACL injuries because of their instant run up and quick turns. According to the specialist, ACL injuries are most likely to occur in women faster as compared to men.

What are the signs and symptoms of an ACL injury?

As we have mentioned above those symptoms of ACL can be depended upon the severity of the defect. And here are some symptoms that you may have if you are suffering from an ACL injury.


If you have a very minor effect of ACL then you may not feel such pain. But you may feel soreness along your knee’s joint line. People who have high severity of ACL injury can face problems while standing or putting pressure on the affected leg.


Swelling can occur but after 24 hours of being injured but you can reduce this symptom by putting ice on your knee.

Difficulty in walking

if you have ACL injury then you can feel difficulty while normal walk and if you put pressure on your knee you may notice that it’s harder than normal to walk.

You can notice and feel some loud pop cracking sensation in the knee.

Causes of ACL injuries
ACL ligaments are a strong combination of tissue that connects one bone to another. The ACL ligaments that across the middle of the knees helps in proper coordination of your thigh bone to your shinbone and helps stabilize your knee joint.
Most commonly ACL injuries occur during sports and fitness activities that can put sudden pressure on the knee:
It can occur when the athlete gets suddenly slow down and suddenly turn the direction.
Pivoting with your foot firmly planted
It can occur due to improper landing from a jump.
Stopping suddenly
When your knee receives direct force or collision, such as a football tackle
When the ACL ligament is damaged, then it may usually a complete tear of the tissue.

How you can diagnose ACL injury
first your doc may have an easy check-up in which he will place his hands on different parts of your leg and gently shift you around. And if he found any of bone moving in a wrong way, that could be a sign that your ACL is damaged.
soft tissues such as the ACL don’t appear on X-rays, but your doc might be checking your leg to check out if any broken bones.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
MRI uses radio waves and a solid attractive field to make pictures of both hard and delicate tissues in your body. An MRI can demonstrate the degree of ACL damage and indications of harm to different tissues in the knee, including the ligament.
Utilizing sound waves to imagine inner structures, ultrasound might be utilized to check for defects in the tendons, ligaments, and muscles of the knee.

Treatments of ACL Injury

Image result for ACL Injuries
Exercises to cure of  ACL Injuries

In a very early stage if you don’t want to spoil it then it’s good to start the R.I.C.E. model of self-care at home, which stands for rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
Another treatment of ACL injury is to be treated with rehabilitative therapy.
Your specialist may prescribe surgical procedure if:

> You're a competitor in sports and need to proceed in your game then you can go for the surgical treatment.

> More than one tendon or the meniscus in your knee also defects.

> The damage is making your knee clasp during ordinary activities.

Visit the link for more expert consultation on ACL Tear Treatments.