How to make the most of SUV tyres

How to make the most of SUV tyres

SUV is a popular vehicle not only because of its smart looks but also because of the unlimited space it offers. People of all genders and age groups choose SUV as it offers a unique driving experience and can take the rough and tough terrain without letting the passengers take the impact. With the right tyre selection, driving an SUV is really a great pleasure.

It is recommended to buy the best tyres for SUV as top quality tyres with outstanding handling can give long mileage and excellent performance for the vehicle and increase its efficiency and safety. Drivers must understand that choosing the right brand or type and using them the best way is crucial to the tyres life and offers value for money too.

Here are some tips on how to get more of the SUV Tyre in Dubai and enjoy a pleasure time every time

SUV tyres
How to make the most of SUV tyres

Driving style

When it comes to making the most of the tyres, it is necessary to keep an eye on the driving style as rash and fast driving can lead to wear and tear sooner than later. It is best to avoid heavy braking and abrupt cornering as it is better for tyres in the long run. The driver should remain calm and in control behind the wheel and handle the vehicle and tyres carefully to increase their life.


All four wheels take burden in unique manner while driving. Using the same tyre on the same place for long can damage the type so it is best to rotate the tyres between the front and rear of the vehicle so that they take equal burden and wear and tear.

According to the manufacturers, tyre rotation should be done every year or after the vehicle has covered 7,500 miles, depending on what comes first. In case of any confusion, consulting a professional is the best who will not only judge the tyre condition but also rotate them proficiently.


Traveling at high speed frequently can lead to tyre wobbling and this can be a sign that the wheels need to be rebalanced. If this condition is left unattended, it can lead to unsafe drive and early wear and tear, requiring tyre replacement. This can be addressed by visiting a tyre specialist who will help to fix things up and ensure the vehicle runs smoothly for a long time.

SUV is a big vehicle and in case the wheels are not balanced the right way or the tyres are in bad condition, it can be a big risk to the lives of driver as well as passengers so it is best to take care.

Whether they are branded tyres or mid-range ones, using them the right way can make a difference on how long they last and how well they perform on the road.  Focusing on all the said factors will keep the tyres in a strong position for long and avoid driving a vehicle that is inefficient or safe and make the most of the product too.